Removing the Stigma: Welfare in the U.S.

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Who receives government assistance the most in the U.S. and when did receiving it become stigmatized?  This blog was created to demonstrate how the stigma attached to welfare is unjustified. Although corporations also receive millions in government assistance every year through corporate welfare, it is the poor on welfare who are stigmatized and stereotyped.

Kim Mejia-Cuellar is a senior at Media Academy in Oakland, CA who will attend Yale in the fall of 2012. Mejia-Cuellar is the Editor-In-Chief of the school newspaper the Green & Gold and a varsity policy debater in the Bay Area Urban Debate League. Mejia-Cuellar is a published fiction and news writer. Her work has appeared in the Oaktown Teen Times, the Green & Gold, and 826 Quarterly. She gives back to the community through volunteering at the writing nonprofit 826 Valencia. As a member of the Oakland Youth Policy Builders, she will be presenting policies to Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan to improve the relationship between youth and the police

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